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El Camino Hotel & Suites Caborca Sonora



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Caborca, Sonora

Heroica Caborca is a Mexican city in the state of Sonora, northeast of the country; founded in 1692 on an indigenous settlement at the foot of the Cerro Prieto by Jesuit Missionary Eusebio Francisco Kino. It’s located 147 km from the US border in Lukeville Az and 100 km from the coast in the Gulf of California or Sea of Cortez.

Etymologically, the name of the municipality comes from the papago word that means “corita boca abajo”. The “Corita” is a type of basket shaped as a pot used by the Papagos. In the beginning, the area was inhabited by indigenous groups of the Hohokam and Anasasi cultures. After the Hohokam culture disappeared, in the pre Columbian era, the region was inhabited by the Pimas Altos and the Tohono O’odham (Papagos), who in addition to their culture and traditions left a testimony of their existence through petroglyphs in places like the “La Proveedora” Hill and “Cerro Prieto”, also in some rock formations called “Trincheras”.

The colonization and evangelization of the region was made by the Jesuit missioners led by Priest Eusebio Francisco Kino, who established a mission system with 24 missions and towns. After the expulsion of the Jesuits, Franciscan monks continued the evangelization.

In April of 1857 the events in defense of the national ground took place, carried by Mexican soldiers, inhabitants of Caborca and the region led by the Captain Hilario Gabilondo, Captain Lorenzo Rodriguez and Coronel Jose Maria Giron before the invasion of the state of Sonora by American filibusters with the intention of annexing Sonora to the U.S. the invaders were met by a fierce resistance, being defeated on April 6th, so the city received the name of Heroica Caborca.

Nowadays, Caborca maintains its regional atmosphere, making the agriculture, cattle herd and industry its main economic activities.

What to Do in Caborca:

When visiting Caborca you can take a guided tour to the petroglyphs in the archaeological site, where we find the largest amount of cave paintings in Mexico. As you’re here you’ll be able to enjoy the beauty of nature just 10 minutes away from the city.

You can also visit the Temple of the Purisima Concepcion, considered a historical monument, founded in 1692 by the missions of the father Kino, setting of the heroic battle of April 6th, 1857.


  • Visit the Historic and Ethnographic Museum.
  • Go shopping in the city downtown.
  • City tour.
  • Visit the nearby beaches (Desemboque, Puerto Lobos or Santo Tomas).
  • Professional baseball.
  • Regional gastronomy.
  • Movie theaters.


  • Official website
  • No intermediaries
  • No additional costs
  • Best online rate guaranteed
  • Exclusive discounts
  • Free breakfast
  • Early Check in 7:00 am (subject to availability)
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